For a group with one of the most refreshingly optimistic sounds of recent years, the Go! Team show no signs of decline. The Ian Parton-headed project burst out of Brighton in 2004 with a debut that fused Avalanches-like sample knowledge with sounds of 80s television shows, cheerleaders, and just about everything to create vibrant, unabashed tunes. Their third album
Rolling Blackouts, although possibly guilty of repeating old sounds, does a great deal to continue the band’s legacy, from the unapologetic opener "T.O.R.N.A.D.O." to the shoegazey title track. The collaborative tracks are some of the most impressive: "Secretary Song" features the sugary-sweet Satomi Matsuzaki from Deerhoof, and Best Coast’s Bethany Consentino steps in to "Buy Nothing Day" to create a C86-inspired fuzz-pop number. The Go! Team can be a headrush at the best of times, but this is modern pop music, the way it’s supposed to be made. And enjoyed.
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